Kentucky Academy of the American Physical Therapy Association

Becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant

Listed below are some of the top physical therapy assistant (PTA) schools and related programs near you in Kentucky. Get started today by reaching out to your preferred schools and colleges to receive information on course curriculum, admissions requirements, tuition etc. Questions? Please contact APTA-KY.

How to become a Physical Therapist Assistant in Kentucky

  1. Graduate from an Accredited PTA program
  2. Pass local Kentucky and/or National Certification Exams
  3. Obtain your license to work as a Physical Therapist Assistant in Kentucky
  4. How much do Physical Therapist Assistants make in Kentucky?

Physical Therapy Assistant Certification Exam Requirements in Kentucky

Once you have graduated from an accredited PTA program in Kentucky you will need to obtain a license to work as a physical therapist assistant there. To obtain your license, it is a requirement that you have successfully passed the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE).

The purpose of the NPTE exams is to ensure a minimum standard of competence after graduation before entering the workplace. The NPTE exams are developed and administered by the US Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT).

Kentucky PTA License Requirements

Once you have graduated from an accredited program, it is required by Kentucky law that you obtain a license to work as a Physical Therapist Assistant in the State. The Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy regulates the licensing of Physical Therapist Assistants in Kentucky. You can contact the Board directly using the contact details below:

Address: 312 Whittington Parkway Suite 102, Louisville, KY 40222
Email: Stephen Curley
Phone: (502) 429-7140

Update 2018: The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) has recently launched the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact for PT's and PTA's. The purpose of the compact is to essentially create an interstate license allowing a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant to practice outside of the state in which they obtained their license.