Our organization is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity. By contributing to APTA-KY, you'll help ensure that our work continues. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions.
We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans.
Help Support APTA-KY by Contributing to our PAC
Contributing to APTA-KY’s PAC enables us to collectively support legislators who are interested in our issues and who understand and care about the health of their constituents. In working with these legislators, APTA-KY can raise issues and suggest solutions that positively impact your practice and the patients under your care. Kentucky campaign finance laws strictly prohibit corporate contributions to PACs, but owners and employees can contribute as individuals.
The General Fund
The General Fund is a great place to contribute to our organization.
Centennial Glass Donation
We're celebrating 100 years of physical therapy! To commemorate our centennial anniversary, a team of physical therapists partnered with Master Distillers at Maker's Mark to create a collector's edition anniversary "1921-2021 APTA KY Chapter Select" Kentucky bourbon whiskey. Only 240 bottles are available and quantities are selling fast.