Kentucky Academy of the American Physical Therapy Association

2022 | Annual Conference, Archive

This year, the APTA-KY Annual Conference will be held in Bowling Green, KY, September 9 & 10, 2022. Research Forum Posters, along with other sessions will be presented by therapists in research, special interest, case study, or theory reports. This opportunity is open to all PTs, PTAs and PT/PTA students with eligible presentations. Two tracks of presentations will be available for attendees; professional and student. Up to 8 contact hours will be available.

2022 | Annual Conference Sponsors


03:30 PM - 04:45 PM

APTA-KY Board Meeting

05:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Registration Open

05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Research Forum/Poster Session

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Opening Reception/Student Awards/Exhibit tables & Silent Auction


07:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Registration Open

07:30 AM - 09:00 AM

Light breakfast

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

PRO TRACK — Improving patient care by improving communication of the care team: An interactive IPE activity

This session will Explain the role of collaborative teams in the patient-centered care delivery; Demonstrate understanding of the roles and responsibilities of individual team members in the execution of quality care; Apply Interprofessional Education Collaborative Core Competencies (IPEC) to an interactive situational role play designed to enhance students in healthcare programs understanding of the interprofessional care team; Network with other healthcare educators and explore mechanisms and barriers to preparing students to be “work-force ready” as it applies to working in interprofessional care teams; Apply strategies of effective team collaboration, mutual respect, effective communication and cultural competence to clinical case scenarios from various settings; and Integrate attributes and characteristics consistent with the Generic Abilities Assessment tool into the preparation of work-force ready health care providers.

Marsha Eifert-Mangine, ED.D., PT, ATC, CERT,
Erin Hofmeyer, PT, D.P.T., GCS

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STUDENT TRACK — Getting to know the KY Board of Physical Therapy

The Board’s role in public protection: a review of growing trends, information on rules and compliance, compact, and the Impaired Practitioner’s Committee role.

Stephen Curley, Executive Director, Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy

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09:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Opening Keynote: A Vision of Imaging Referral Privileges in Physical Therapist Practice in Kentucky

Physical therapists in 10 jurisdictions in the US currently have imaging referral privileges with all indications of that continuing to expand. Internationally, the practice model inclusive of imaging referral privileges is well accepted. How will this addition to clinical practice evolve? What has occurred in the other states who have adopted imaging referral privileges? What responsibilities will accompany these privileges? How can practitioners, group practices/institutions prepare for this change? These questions and more will be answered from educational, jurisdictional, national, and reimbursement perspectives based on current evidence and professional association activities.

Charles Hazle, PT, PhD

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11:00 AM - 11:15 AM


11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

StrongerLife: A Program To End 1-Rep Max Living


Jeff Musgrave, DPT, Cert MDT, CF-L1

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PTs do Wound Care? How We Got Here and Where We're Going


Michael Forston, PT, DPT,
Maggie Cannon, PT, DPT

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12:15 PM - 01:30 PM

APTA KY Awards Luncheon & Business Meeting

01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Health Disparity in Physcial Therapy


Ryan Shelton, PT, DPT

Role of the Hip and Lower Thoracic Spine in Patients with Primary Lumbar Pain

This session will Review a manual therapy approach in the clinical management of low back pain; Understand the concept of regional interdependence as it relates to low back pain; Recognize the contributions of hip and thoracic dysfunction in low back pain; Apply manual therapy assessment, treatment, and reassessment to the hip and selected areas of the thoracic spine; and Apply exercise prescription and patient education based on found impairments in the management of low back pain.

Elena Black, PT, DPT
Nicholas Pucillo, PT, DPT

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03:00 PM - 03:15 PM


03:15 PM - 04:15 PM

“Cancer Rehabilitation Across Kentucky”: A multi-institutional initiative for all patients to have access to quality cancer rehabilitation care throughout the state of Kentucky including rural communities

Four Rehabilitation professionals and one community partner representative from Kentucky Cancer Program will present the development and implementation of a statewide initiative called “Cancer Rehabilitation Across Kentucky.” We will discuss how multiple institutions were involved and how we utilized a non-biased centralized access point for Kentucky patients to identify where qualified cancer rehabilitation providers are located as close to their communities as possible. Our goal is for equitable access to cancer rehabilitation care across the state. We will discuss our goals and plans of increasing cancer rehabilitation education to statewide providers as well as to community members to increase awareness of the high rehabilitation needs of cancer patients and the under-utilization of rehabilitation in cancer care. We will open for audience participation and discussion at end of our presentation.

Audrey Stockwell, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT
Jaime Daniel, BA

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Retaining Employment Talent after Injury/Illness Network

This session will cover the importance/Background/Purpose of RETAIN KY, Who qualifies for RETAIN Services and what services are provided, and Referral process and future goals plus potential state and federal policy changes.

Kristina Kirk, PT, DPT

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04:15 PM - 05:15 PM

House of Delegates Q & A


Kurt Neelly, PT, DPT,
Wendy Colley, PT, DPT,
and Molly Dalton, PTA

The Future of the Physical Therapy Profession


Ryan Shelton, PT, DPT